If you have been supporting Loot Studios Fantasy Subscription for a specific amount of months in a row or bought old bundles to complete a sequence, you are eligible to receive a reward.
Every 3 months we release a new reward, and the rewards are granted at the beginning of the next month directly in your account.
The first reward cycle started in June 2020 with our first ever bundle “Goblin Trouble” and ended with May’s 2021 bundle,“Planar Cruise”. Our 12 month Reward was granted in June 2021 and until that date, we had 4 different rewards:
In June 2021 a new reward cycle started, in other words, we started at 3 months again. So if you have the right number of consecutive months in the newest cycle (since June/2021) you are eligible to receive the new Loyalty Rewards.
But what can you do if you want the previous reward? Don’t worry, once you complete the sequence you also get the corresponding reward of the previous cycle.
At the moment we have 1 reward in the new cycle:
So if you own the latest 3 consecutive bundles, you will get “Ungor Boom, Battlefire General and Slig” AND “Broom and Buffo”.